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David Amortegui (defense), is a 3 time state champion for his high school team at Winston Churchill High school(2010-2015). David Amortegui also represented his club hockey team in the international competition "Silver Sticks" held in Canada, after he and his team won the national competition. Now a member of the Colombian National Ice Hockey team, we got a chance to ask David a few questions on his journey to getting here.

Being a 3 time state champion, and a national champion, how do you physically and mentally prepare for going from state level hockey, to national level competitors, and then how does your preparation change when facing international opponents?
"That's a great question. For me, I don't really think about state versus national versus international level competition. I think it starts mentally. When I train, I train thinking every opponent I face is training harder than I am. And that drives me. And I take that same mentality into games. Before each game, I go in thinking that every single player on the other team has out trained me, and the only way for us to win, is if I out work them, out hustle them. I think a combination of those two things really prepares me well for any level of play."

You're very well known to never have suffered an injury, what do you think you do differently that has allowed you to stay healthy?
"I think when it comes to sports, its very easy to do sport-oriented training. That is, training your muscles in a way that they are specifically in your sport. For me, I love training in new and different ways. Yoga and flexibility is huge for me. But besides my training, I also play and train other sports too. I keep my body having to adapt to new exercises, I think that's what's helped me. I still do all my hockey workouts, but I add these in too."

What advice would you give a younger hockey player who wants to get to be where you are right now?
"The biggest thing I could tell anyone, is never lose that hunger. All my young life as a hockey player, I never made the team as a starter. During tryouts I would always barely make the team. But in every single team I played on, by the end of the season I would be a starter. So don't be discouraged. Keep working hard, you shouldn't ease up once you made the team, or won the championship, you should double down on your hard work. That's how to keep growing, that's how you do anything great in life. At least thats my opinion."

What do you think you biggest adversity has been on getting to where you are today?
"For me, it was hard finding a mentor. Someone who could guide me through the process, I wasn't able to find a mentor until I reached high school and I had a coach believe in me, and my goals and thanks to him, he was able to teach me things, not just hockey things, but mentality things, that really affected my game. I know if I had met him earlier in life, I would be in a very different place right now. Both in the game of hockey and in my personal life. Finding a mentor for me was the biggest thing I didn't know I needed, until I had one.

For more information on David Amortegui and the Colombian national team, please check out our page here.



Not many 22 year olds can say they’ve been featured on national and international campaigns for companies, products, and businesses. David Amortegui is among those few that can. And we reached out to ask him how you can use what he’s learned for yourself.
His journey to find his purpose started when he was in middle school and he read “The Giver” By Lois Lowry. David “related to Jonas a lot. [David] felt like everyone around [him] knew what they wanted to do with their lives, but [he] didn’t”. Since then, David had a goal, to find his “thing”. He’s appeared in multiple ad campaigns but it wasn’t always like this.
“How do you go from a small town in Maryland, to being booked for an international jewelry company in Hong Kong?
“For me the hardest part was finding opportunities I wanted. It might sound very cliche, but craigslist was my best friend. I got inspired by Gary Vaynerchuk. I went on craigslist, and initially, I searched for jobs in acting, or modeling. And surprisingly, I didn’t find anything. But I kept checking everyday to see if something new would pop up. It took some time and some patience, like Gary preaches, but eventually I found something that fit with what I wanted. Though it wasn’t ideal, I kept working at these small gigs until I eventually started meeting more and more people in the acting community.”
“How did you know you wanted be to an actor? And how does modeling fit into that as well?”
“It wasn’t always clear that acting was what I wanted to do, I actually started out in sales. The thing I loved about sales so much was that nothing was guaranteed. But with that came a huge advantage, that is, the harder you worked, the more you got rewarded for it. With acting, its sales, but on a greater level. The more you invest in yourself as an actor, the better roles you get the better you become as an actor. What other career rewards you for being the best like acting? I also thoroughly enjoy diving into different characters and becoming a whole different person in my roles.”
“How did you make the transition from Sales to Acting?”
“It wasn’t easy, but it was like something out of a movie ‘ironically’. I was working my sales job, and I had a customer come in. It seemed like a normal person, just asking questions, trying out different products. But out of no where, she just stops, looks at me and says ‘You’re settling’. It rocked my world. I was settling. My dream wasn’t sales, I knew what my dream was, but I accepted that it was just a dream, and that it would never happen. But when that lady looked me in the eye and said ‘you’re settling’ I knew what she meant. It felt like God was talking to me directly. Like I was destined for more. It was then I decided I had to chase my dream. I quit my job the next day.”
“Thank you for your time David, what would you like to say to people who read this?”
“I’d say, you can fail at something you don’t like doing, you might as well commit to something you love. And if anyone wants, they can message me on instagram or twitter and even tik tok.


Las emociones y expectativas crecen entre los jóvenes de la Arquidiócesis de Washington que viajan a Cracovia para ver al papa Francisco y participar en la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud (JMJ).
"Estoy muy contento y emocionado por este viaje a Polonia. En las otras dos veces que he participado, he podido descubrir que 'las cosas' materiales no son tan importantes como la experiencia que tenemos con Dios", expresó Darián García de la parroquia San Miguel Arcángel de Silver Spring, Maryland.
"Tenemos que buscar lo que Dios quiere de nosotros, cuál es nuestro propósito en este mundo. Me ha ayudado mucho saber que no tengo que poner el corazón en muchas cosas que me ofrece el mundo, sino que tengo que seguir a Dios, amar al prójimo y al enemigo, sabiendo que Dios va a proveer en cualquier aspecto de mi vida", explicó García, quien costeó su viaje con el fruto de su trabajo.
Darián es parte de un grupo de 300 peregrinos del Camino Neocatecumenal que viajarán en representación de las diócesis de Arlington y las Arquidiócesis de Washington y Filadelfia.
"Estoy muy nervioso porque nunca he ido a un país que está tan lejos, emocionado de ver diferentes países y entusiasmado de poder ver al papa Francisco", dijo Brian Ezcurra (17), quien confiesa que a veces no entiende cuál será su futuro y que busca respuestas a su vocación y a lo que Dios quiere de él.
Para Luisa (14), las expectativas espirituales van en aumento a medida que se acerca el día del viaje a la JMJ. "Voy a Polonia para encontrar a Dios como mi salvador".
Los jóvenes pertenecen a las parroquias Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, San Miguel Arcángel, Santa Catalina Labouré, San Bartolomé, Mother Seton, Nuestra Señora   Auxiliadora de los Cristianos, San Carlos Borromeo y Santo Tomás Moro. El noventa por ciento de los muchachos son hispanos y el grupo está liderado por 70 catequistas adultos que cooperarán como chaperones.
"Hemos visto milagros entre la juventud, después de participar en las jornadas mundiales: mejoran la comunicación con sus familias, optan por relaciones que llevan al matrimonio, responden a la llamada de servir como sacerdotes, religiosas o misioneros", explicó Mary Cardoza, coordinadora de la recaudación de fondos del grupo.
Mary y su esposo Aldo tienen seis hijos y uno en camino y se han puesto “a disposición de Dios para ir como familia en misión a cualquier lugar del mundo". Son catequistas de la parroquia Nuestra Señora de los Dolores de Takoma Park, MD,  y viajarán con dos de sus hijos.
El grupo partirá en tres fases y el itinerario incluye –además de Polonia– Croacia, Italia, Alemania y la República Checa. Se alojarán en casas de parroquianos, gimnasios parroquiales y otros sitios vinculados a la Iglesia Católica.
"JMJ será un signo muy fuerte para que el mundo sepa que hay jóvenes que creen en Dios, que la Iglesia está viva, que la juventud ama al Papa y va a buscar su vocación", declaró Ilenia Pepicelli de la parroquia Santo Tomás Moro, quien viajará como catequista y chaperona.
Estos jóvenes necesitan ayuda económica de la comunidad para poder   participar en este peregrinaje de fe con católicos de todo el mundo. El costo por participante es de tres mil dólares y los chicos y sus familias aportan lo que está a su alcance.
El grupo organizó cenas, galas, desayunos, conciertos y rifas desde hace 18 meses con el fin de recaudar fondos, pero aún necesitan 100 mil dólares para este magno evento juvenil. Para dar su donativo, llame a Mary Cardoza al 301-509-2374 o escriba a [email protected] y para detalles visite
Alegría y nerviosismo
Nervioso y alegre se muestra David Amórtegui (19): "He estado esperando este viaje desde la última jornada en Brasil y me entusiasma conocer mucha gente de diferentes países que creen en lo mismo que yo".
"Espero reconectarme con Dios y entrar en un renacimiento espiritual", dijo entu-siasmado ante la oportunidad de volver a ver al papa Francisco. "Me encanta lo que dice. A veces no dice lo más popular ni lo que la gente espera, pero dice lo que la gente necesita oír".
Cuatro son los jóvenes hispanos de la parroquia San Rafael que viajarán a la JMJ 2016: David y su hermana Laura, junto a David Campos y José Alejandro Pataquiva. Para Laura (22), el viaje a Polonia será una oportunidad de ir al encuentro con el Papa.
Será el primer viaje a Europa y la primera JMJ para José, quien lo describe como una oportunidad para conocer otra parte del mundo, acercarse al Papa y a Dios e incrementar su fe.
El sueño se concretará gracias a la coo-peración de sus familiares y su comunidad de fe, quienes se han movilizado durante muchos meses a fin de recaudar fondos para esta causa.
"Es nuestra obligación y llamado como adultos católicos apoyar a nuestros jóvenes para acudir a este gran evento que no sólo los proyecta a ellos a compartir con otros jóvenes sus experiencias del amor de Dios, sino que también les da la gracia de ser un ejemplo vivo para aquellos que no sienten el amor de Dios en sus vidas", expresó Germán Amórtegui, padre de Laura y David.
Para contribuir con su donativo a los jóvenes de San Rafael, escriba a Laura al correo [email protected] o llame al 240-753-3554 ó 703-655-5381.


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